Biomedica on the move 2019
October 10, 2019
Valorising Regenerative Medicine
Brightlands Chemelot Campus
Meet the Euregional regenerative medicine community on October 10. In the regenerative medicine trend a vast majority of the Euregional SMEs and knowledge institutes can benefit. Novel mechanisms of action are developed and pushed forward in the value chain, laboratory & handling infrastructure changes and the need to monitor and measure increases. Progress in Regenerative Medicine provides opportunities for biotechnology ánd medical technology SMEs.
Biomedica on The Move 2021: Business Opportunities in Innovative Materials in Life Sciences
Tue, 25 May
|hybrid: online and Aachen
Innovative Materials in Life Sciences Morning: 4 online worshops targeting MDR issues Afternoon: lectures from industry and academia & SME Pitches 2 matchmaking sessions (AM and PM): EEN Virtual Matchmaking Hybrid: online and with max. 40 participants at Tivoli, Krefelder Str. 205, 52070 Aachen, DE

Time & Location
25 May 2021, 09:00 – 17:15
hybrid: online and Aachen, Krefelder Str. 205, 52070 Aachen, Deutschland
About the event
We cordially invite you to attend this second edition of "Biomedica On The Move" that is exceptionally organized as a combination of the Workshop, the MATMED session, an Interreg NWE project which aims at developing cross-border partnerships to boost innovation in advanced MATerials for MEDical applications, and the official Kick-Out Meeting of wearIT4health, an Interreg V-A EMR project focusing on the development of a wearable device for the continuous monitoring of hospitalized patient in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
You will benefit from:
- the presentation of the achievements of the wearIT4health project and a tech transfer possibility of the developed monitor
- the chance to meet many potential project or business partners in one afternoon, coming from the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
- the ability to discuss your innovation and collaboration needs in more detail during a 1-to-1 matchmaking session
- effectively gain knowledge on the Euregional facilities and expertise
- the opportunity for 12 SME to pitch during 5 minutes about their activity, the service they can offer offer, their need, and possibilities of collaboration in the field of Wearables and Artificial Intelligence in Health